If you had the opportunity to start living your first class life now, would you take it, or let it slip away?? Before I start sounding like Eminem, let me explain the origin of this thought.
In my weekly newsletter from my Money Mindset mentor Denise Duffield-Thomas, she asked the following questions:
How do you rate the following? (Economy, Premium Economy or First Class)
· Your relationship with your spouse or significant other?
· The support you get from besties, colleagues or mastermind buddies?
· Your house?
· Your finances?
· Your self-care?
· The underwear you’re wearing right now? (if any!)
She went on to discuss what she calls “the Law of Incremental Upgrade”. There was a time, a few years ago, when my youngest was about a year and half that I was dressing and my husband gawked at me with a look of shock mixed with disappointment. I annoyingly asked him what the problem was and he told me that he thought it was time I got new bras!
I took offense immediately then slowly simmered down to think through why he would say such “hurtful” things. Looking at the said bra, it didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what the issue was. Firstly, it was feeding bra, secondly, it was a cotton comfy albeit gunky BEIGE colour, and lastly, it had an oval shaped hole, on the side, right under my armpit “where no one sees”.
I knew it looked bad, I knew I looked bad myself and I knew deep down inside that I truly did not have to look that way. We are not exactly living it up like the Bezo’s but we are not poor either. I could afford to buy a new bra, I could afford to dress better, and I could afford to make a little effort with my appearance. If I had to answer the questions asked earlier, I would have scored most of them at economy with the exception of support and the relationship with my hubby. How I looked on the outside, how my home looked and my lack of discipline in my finances and self care was just a reflection of how I felt about myself.
Somewhere between getting married, having babies, moving countries and dealing with the grief of losing my parents, I had let myself go. I had started settling for survival, settling for just get by, settling for an economy life and lifestyle which even I, had never thought I would do. This was not the kind of life I had envisioned for myself, this was not me…..and it took a far from sexy bra to bring all the mediocrity to my attention.
That moment took me into a spiral of efforts to change things up from economy to premium economy at least! Over about two years to date, I went on a mission to upgrade my life by working on the things that were within my control, and budget! I learned how to learn about décor, dressing, getting my hair done and a whole variation of things. The best one, being, the power of online shopping!
I learned the importance of planning, budgeting and patience when it comes to making the incremental upgrades in my life. I learned that I can have negotiables – recovering an old sofa in comparison to buying a new one, and non-negotiables – buying the console table I stalked at the furniture shop for months until we could afford to buy it!

The law of incremental upgrade is all about making the small changes in the here and now that can put you on your path to your first class life. I would love to know the small incremental upgrades you are making to your life, and what made you decide to take the leap! Subscribe to our website and join a community of women, who are serious about upgrading their lives!
If part of your incremental upgrade involves improving your self care, Tumi Wellness is an @Home Spa Services company that brings what you need for your self care to your doorstep. Check out the list of services we offer, here.
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