Tumi Wellness


What do you do when your tired is tired…?? Looking back, I can remember quite vividly a couple of moments when I felt like this. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. Finished..nothing left in the tank.

🌿2012 – I found myself in a new role in a new industry, in a new city. For months I poured my everything into my work. I remember days after work when I would sit in the car and cry. When I would hear my phone ring, it would send me into a mini panic attack. I was overwhelmed.

🌿2017 – God had found it fit to bless me with 2 under 2. IYKYK.The entire year was a blur to be honest…

1st quarter – deal with grief of losing a loved one and the fallout, deal with anxiety of a sick child.

2nd quarter – birth of a new baby. The physical pain 2nd time around was crazy!!! 3rd quarter – deal with shock and grief of losing another loved one and the fallout

4th quarter – illness of a loved one, wrapping up big wedding plans, and the wedding itself.

There was a lot packed into those particular years and several other instances when life was lifeing ( I know Oxford Dictionary doesn’t recognise this word…yet!).

🌿Bottom line is, one doesn’t wake up one day and suddenly have burnout….its not like a headache. Burnout is defined as the exhaustion of physical, mental or emotional strength, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.

So who can get burnout? Pretty much, everyone!! How do you know if you have burnout? What are the signs of burnout? What can you do if you have burnout? How can you prevent burnout? So many questions, and yes, Google has a lot of answers….so does ChatGPt but….wouldn’t it be better to have a confidential conversation with someone who has walked the path, and knows how to get you safely to the other side?! If your answer is yes, I can walk the journey (At no cost to you) with the first 5 people who DM me or email me at trish@tumiwellness.com with the word YES!

– Coach Trish Tumi


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