We haven’t published a blog post in a while and the reason is simple: BURNOUT! Yes, it happens to the best of us! Sometimes the pressure of trying to meet deadlines and goals can be more than overwhelming!
2020 having been the year of uncertainty and the biggest global roller coaster we have had in decades, for characters like mine who love to work, love to achieve, love to meet deadlines and tick off the goal list, it’s been harder than most. I love to set my big goals in 5 year chunks….Vision 2015, Vision 2020 etc. So when November comes around, the pressure is on!
November was a mentally draining and exhausting month. Sometimes it felt like trying to push a 30 ton boulder up a very steep hill. It was grueling and it brought me close to tears on several occasions. BUUUUUUUT, being the goal list ticker I am, I made sure that one of those goals would involve some much needed R&R to recuperate and thank myself for making it through this sordid year!
So very quickly, here are my top 6 Tips on “How to make your dream vacation happen!”
Step 1: Visualize
Dream board, Pinterest Board or Airbnb dream list! Whatever or wherever it is. You need to see it! If it means printing it out or having it as a screen saver, do it! I have spent several nights on different websites thinking and dreaming about the places I wanted to visit. Constantly visiting the images and imagining what it would be like being in such a place. This starts to make the dream a reality in your mind! What the mind can conceive, and believe…it can achieve – Napoleon Hill
Step 2: Narrow it down
Sometimes, wanting a beach holiday is not enough. You need to get down to specifics of what you really want. Are you looking for a hotel, villa, or B&B holiday experience? Do you intend to take the holiday on your own or with a group of people? It is so important to narrow what experience you are looking for, as it will help determine the when, where and how much! There are so many sites out there that can help you locate your perfect accommodation, and the best way to get there.
Step 3: Write it down
I read in a book once that the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire, is that the billionaire writes their goals more than once in a day! There is a reason why contracts are hand signed, not typed. There’s a permanency that comes with writing. It’s a commitment. Signed, sealed and delivered. If you were to write your goals down several times in the day, it would continuously prompt your mind to find ways within the day to edge you closer to that which you have mentally committed. I have pages and pages in my journal of my goal list, written sometimes over 10 times in one day. Sounds crazy, but it works!
Step 4: Plan
Purpose, Budget, Calendar and commitment. Getting into the nitty gritty details of your trip helps curb unexpected expenses. Last thing you need is, enjoying a dreamy vacation and coming back to an empty bank account. By planning, you can apply well in advance for your leave days to reduce chances of it getting denied. Early planning will also allow you to take advantage of specials on flights and other things where you can benefit from advance bookings. Make sure to also be in the know of cancellation policies because sometimes, “life happens”.
Step 5: Unlock the funding
At the end of the day, the bottom line is always the $$$. Sometimes your dream vacation is not a goal you can achieve on your own. When that happens, like it has for me on several occasions. The trick is make your dream a reality by selling it to someone else! This gives you an opportunity to encourage friends and family who could be looking for a timeout just like you! By pooling your finances together, your cost for the trip can be significantly reduced! Also, make sure you take the trip with people you know, you will have a great time with!
Step 6: Go and be present!
People who love to work, often have a hard time switching off and fully being present in their R&R! To make sure this happens, plan in advance who you will hand over all the little tasks and work things that are likely to crop up during your vacation time. Do a complete handover, divert your calls if you must, and try by all means to keep away from your laptop and gadgets that will tempt you back into the work black hole. Moments once gone, can’t be replaced so be present and enjoy the experience!

For some people, taking a vacation may be a little out of reach for their current circumstances. When this happens, it’s ok to scale down the dream and go for something that will bring you joy! Massage is an amazing way to give your body a vacation experience. If you are based in Nairobi and this is more of what can work for you, Tumi Wellness is an at home spa service company, offering premium professional spa services. We all know you are too pretty to get stuck in traffic, so Tumi will bring the spa to you! For more information on the services we offer visit www.tumiwellness.com/services
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