Brunches, spa days and gallons of mimosas! There was a time when a visit to the spa was one of those things that are done by the wealthy men and women in movies and in real life! The ladies would put on the mud masks, sip on their cocktails and gossip throughout the day! Times have changed with at home services becoming more and more in demand. Then in came “The Rona” and the game has now changed completely! Social distancing and sanitizing are the new buzz words in every other conversation! There are many beautiful things that come with visiting the spa, but what if you could enjoy the same benefits without ever having to leave your house??? Jeff Lincoln said, “The ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home!”
Here are our Top 5 Reasons why its soooooo much better to have your spa services at home!
No traffic, no commuting no driving!
Nairobi in particular is well known for bad traffic! Sometimes on the best of days, you can leave for your destination super early with the hope of making it there on time. Everything is going well till you see a never-ending snake of cars blocking your way! Did you leave early? Yes! Will you be late for your massage appointment at the spa? Yes! Most of the high end spas often tend to have bookings set one after the other in quick succession. What this means is, when you arrive 15mins later after your appointed time, the spa will give you a treatment for the remainder of your time. This is often disappointing for the client, but the rough reality of spa bookings! With at home services like Tumi Wellness, you don’t have to weave through the traffic both ways to get your relaxing experience, Tumi Wellness, comes to you!
You are in control
When vising a new place or area, your brain can’t help but take in all that the eyes are seeing, that the nose is smelling and the body is feeling. With all that information coming in, it can be very difficult to calm your mind with so much being processed. Did they change the décor of the room? Is that lemon or lemongrass they are burning in the oil burner? It seems a lot more chilly than normal and your regular therapist had a booking just after you and now that you are late, you’ve been given another therapist. Now, she is asking you to strip down in these new surroundings! There can be so much going on with one spa visit! One of the best things about having an at home massage is that you are in complete control of your surroundings. You can choose the room, choose the oils, and being in a setting that your brain is familiar with, will allow your mind to rest! The ultimate healing and relaxation starts in the mind!
Enjoy serenity in your happy place
Spas are often decorated so beautifully with a great deal of thought going into creating a relaxing environment. How beautiful would it be to have your space transformed into a blissful and serene setting. Premium and professional at home spa services know how important it is to stimulate all 5 senses to prime them for complete relaxation. They are also, the ones that come with all the equipment and decorative items to make your space beautiful and serene. This often includes bringing the massage table, relaxing music, diffusers and comfortable linen to ensure that you can have a luxurious and relaxing experience. You probably won’t recognize your room once they have completed their setup.
Super busy schedule? No problem!
As the working world gets more competitive, and people work longer hours to remain in the game. People are constantly at the beck and call of their jobs and businesses. After a long working day, or week, having to make the decision between sleep and driving a couple of kilometers to a spa for a massage may seem like a tough one, but I think sleep will often trump the energy required to make the trip there and back! Having an at home spa experience means that you don’t have to make that decision. It means, you can slot in the treatment within your resting day with great ease. Most at home spa services will even allow you to make your booking after hours. That means you can literally move from the massage bed, into your bed and enjoy restful sound sleep with the wonderful scents of the oils still lingering in your room!

Flexibility towards your special needs
Life is ever changing! The flexibility that comes with at home massage is quite befitting as it allows you to multi-task. This could mean, scheduling your massage session whilst baby takes a nap, or letting your elderly parents enjoy healing spa treatments with less of a fuss, or it could mean going all out and having a spa party where your giggles and fun experiences do not have to be muffled for the sake of the other patrons of the spa. This is life goals……premium service, in the comfort of your home!
Tumi Wellness is an at home spa services provider in Nairobi. Tumi Wellness offers premium, professional services such as massages, manicures and pedicures, waxing, reflexology and may more services. Treatments can be booked for individuals, couples or groups. Services can also be offered as part of a Corporate Wellness program that can be administered on site. To find out more about our services, visit
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